3 Maya Älteste unterstützen die Bewusste Konvergenz

Die drei Maya Ältesten Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Don Rigoberto Itzep Hunbatz Men, haben sich verpflichtet, in der bewussten Konvergenz vom 17./18. Juli 2010 durch Zeremonien an diesen Tagen teilnehmen. Die drei Ältesten gehören zu den angesehensten und bekanntesten Vertreter der Maya-Bevölkerung in etwas anderen Rollen in dieser Tradition.

Originaltext in Englisch:

Three Mayan elders, Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Don Rigoberto Itzep and Hunbatz Men, have pledged to participate in the Conscious Convergence, July 17-18, 2010 through performing ceremonies on these dates. The three elders are among the most respected and well-known representatives of the Mayan people yet having somewhat different roles in this tradition.

Hunbatz Men is probably the most well-known of the Yucatec Maya elders and is the initiator of the Maya Mystery Schools, (see http://www.themayas.com.mx). Don Rigoberto Itzep leads the Wajshakib Batz (8 Monkey) ceremonies in Momostenango in Guatemala, which plays a critical role in maintaining the continuity of the calendar through the initiation of new daykeepers (seehttp://www.maya-portal.net/blog/ken/initiation_of_daykeeper_report_from_momostenango
or http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/wajshakib-batz.html). Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Wandering Wolf,http://www.shiftoftheages.com, is the spokesperson of the 440 person strong Mayan Council of Elders in addition to being Grand Elder of the Continental Council of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.

Very likely the Conscious Convergence will be observed also by many other elders all over the Mayan lands as the word goes around. The participation of Hunbatz Men and Don Alejandro takes on a special role in that it establishes a continuity to the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 in which they both played an instrumental role. The Conscious Convergence Core Team is happy to announce the support of the Mayan elders for the July 17-18 event, and through this we want to extend a call to all indigenous peoples in the world to be part.

13 Ahau, May 26, 2010

Quelle: Calleman.com

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